Vocals: That's me. I was super cool once, see?
Now I'm just kind of cool. In a domestic sorta way....
Bass Guitar: This is my husband Bill, Taste Tester Extraordinaire. I love him to bits. He'll eat anything you put in front of him. Unless it's fruit, which is why you rarely see fruit based desserts in my blog. Haha.
That's us on our wedding day. It was totally rock and roll, of course.
Drums: This is Jackson, my chef in training. He's four and he's awesome. He calls my mixer a "recipe helicopter." He loves chicken, sprinkles and cupcakes. But not together.
Guitars: And this is Nathan. He is 14 months old and only has half a set of teeth. But born at over 9lbs and built like a linebacker, I've yet to find a single solitary thing this child wont eat!
Aren't we pretty? Images courtesy of Nicole Dixon.com