
Dot Com Dance

Just a quick note to let you know that you can now find me at MrsBettieRocker.com! (All of your links should redirect.)
I know my blog has been a pain in the rear over the past 3 days while I waited for it to go live, but it's up now and ready to rock.
I'm feelin' kind of awesome.

And for absolutely no reason whatsoever, here is a picture from the night Bill proposed to me. That's Jackson, our firstborn, wearing a onesie Bill made him. It says "will you marry my daddy." Out of nowhere on a May evening in 2008, Jack came running down the hall wearing it and holding a ring box.

How could I resist??


  1. That is just to freaking sweet! :)

  2. Funny, Becky, I just dropped my blogspot too! Did things get messed up for you? I was scared all my followers would disappear {I've heard that happens}

    I was afraid to blog for a few days, and I feel like an addict missing her fix...LOL... I think mine's done as well...

  3. yayyyy so glad it's up and running!!

  4. Just wanted to say I love your site, and visit often! What a cute way for your dh to propose ;) Can't wait to read more!


  5. that's so cute and creative!! and congrats on the dot com!! :)

  6. Heck yes thats awesome, and congrats!! I love the way he proposed!

  7. the heck yes thats awesome..is for the site : )


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